Uncanny and The Uncanny



Bleeding Cool reports that the simultaneous titles Uncanny and The Uncanny are going to play nice.

Basically the opposite of the incident between DC and Clive Barker and his Next Testament.

Gives you a little faith in common decency.  Even though it sounds like there are lawyers involved still.

Read what they said over at Bleeding Cool.

Paranormal Crime Drama…Yes Please.

Uncanny #1

In June Dynamite will be coming out with a new paranormal crime drama from Aaron Diggle called Uncanny, and this shit looks cool. Maybe not as cool as Kolchack the Night Stalker (who was the perfect blend of 70’s crime show and X-files), but it still looks pretty cool.

You can read more about it on Dynamite’s site here:  Uncanny

But even better you can see the three covers for the fist issue over at Bleeding Cool.

And I will not lie to you, this looks amazing.  It is the kind of stuff that I love to read!

Three great covers for the first issue!

This needs to go on my pull list, I hope I don’t forget the next time I go in.